Recycling Program


1144 Fifteenth utilizes Alpine Waste & Recycling for the building’s trash and recycling needs. Alpine does not require separation at the point of collection and all recyclable items may be co-mingled.  Separation of the various recyclable components is done at an off-site facility.  The following items can be recycled through the building’s recycling program:



Ø     Plastic bags, Plastic Shrink Wrap, Plastic Containers marked as “PLA”, Compostable Plastic Containers, Ceramics, Batteries or Light Bulbs, Paper Towels, Paper Plates or Cups, Hazardous Materials (Needles, Syringes, motor oil Plastic bottles), Garbage and Soiled food items are not permitted in the recycling containers.


Please refer to the full Tenant Handbook and the forms section for more detail on recyclable/non-recyclable items.